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How to Not Lose Sight of Your Financial Goals

Audio version available here:

Length: approx. 1 min.

Most people give up on their New Year’s resolution by the end of January, and even fewer see theirs through by the end of the year. But that doesn’t mean you have to throw in the towel on your resolution to improve your finances.

Do you even know what state your finances are currently in? You may have set a goal of spending less and saving more, but based on your current situation, there could be better goals to have. First, set a baseline of what you currently spend. Are you happy with this amount? Does it vary depending on the time of the year? Understanding your own spending habits helps you decide what needs to change.

Sometimes, saving up money you never end up spending is not its best use. You may be able to “buy yourself time” by allocating funds to pay for services that take care of tasks that normally eat up your day. You can then use that time saved with activities that better bring you contentment, or you could spend that money in another endeavor that brings you joy. But stay cautious about failing into reckless spending.

Ultimately, figuring out what you want to do with your money involves a lot of self-reflection about what you want with your life. Once you are confident in what you want to achieve, you can set out to fulfill it in all aspects of your life. To stay motivated, you have to start with knowing your numbers. This is especially true if you own a business. Let the XQ CPA team guide you on keeping up with your financial goals by reaching out for a consultation today. We would love to help you.

Phone: 832-295-3353

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