Tax filing season starts TODAY!!!
The 2022 Tax filing season starts TODAY! This is the first day to file your taxes for year 2021, which is 17 days earlier than the traditional filing date, according to the IRS. The agency said they are moving the date up because of expected issues that taxpayers may face in this filing season, including figuring out the advanced child tax credit and reconciling the third economic impact payment. If you want to learn more tips, we suggest you watch our video:
The deadline for filing tax returns is Monday, April 18 this year, three days later than the typical April 15 deadline for filing taxes. The later date is a result of an Emancipation Holiday in the District of Columbia. By law, in Washington, D.C., holidays impact tax deadlines for everyone the same way federal holidays do. We hope this filing season goes well for you, and if you need any assistance, please reach out to us.