What Do I Need to File My 2023 Taxes?
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Length: approx. 1 min. 20 sec.
Tax season has arrived and that means it is time to begin preparing your 2023 tax return. Though you have until April 15th to successfully file and pay your tax balance, preparing early is in your best interest to avoid missing the due date. What do you need in order to file your taxes?
Most importantly, you need to know your Social Security Number. You cannot file a tax return without it, so if you do not have it memorized, you should check your Social Security card. In addition, you will need all your income documents, such as a W-2, 1099, records of digital asset transactions, and various other income statements such as Form 1095-A and Form 1098.
It is especially important if you work multiple jobs in the gig economy to make sure you have received a 1099 from all your vendees.
You will also need documentation that can substantiate the tax deductions and credits you plan on taking. If you want to claim business mileage, you should have an up to date mileage log.
If you want to get your refund as soon as possible, you should file electronically and opt for a direct deposit. This means you will need to have your bank account details ready to avoid any delays.
As you can see, there is a lot of material you may need to correctly fill out your tax return. That is why we recommend preparing early, even if you plan on filing an extension or waiting until closer to Tax Day to submit. If you need assurance that your tax return will be filed correctly and on time, reach out to the XQ CPA team for guidance. We would love to help you.
Phone: 832-295-3353
Online Booking: https://xqcpa-bookme.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php
