10 Strategies To Reduce Your Taxes - Tip #2 Maximize Deductions
We are nearing the end of the year with Thanksgiving at a close. Luckily, we have our second strategy out of the ten to reduce your...

2021's Final Tax Deadline
Today is October 12th, three days before October 15th – the last tax deadline of the year. What should you do at this point if you have...

Tax Benefits For Charitable Givings Have Been Expanded!
Last December, the IRS enacted the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act which provides several provisions to help individuals...

Is Your Business Making You Poor?
As a business owner, how well do you know your numbers and what do they mean? It is the most important aspect of your business because...

How Did Amazon Avoid Paying Taxes From Last Year's Success?
During the pandemic year, Amazon’s growth was remarkable. Yet, during 2020, Amazon’s effective tax rate was only 9.4%, a rate that is...

A Beginners Guide to Payroll Taxes
If you have just started a business and you are thinking of hiring employees, it is easy to believe that payroll starts and ends when you...

The Business Structure That Could Save You Thousands In Taxes!
You own a single-member LLC or a sole proprietorship and you have heard of the advantages of becoming an S-corp. Do you know that your...

New Infrastructure Bill Ends ERC!
We have a huge update! The infrastructure bill would end the employee retention credit (ERC) early, making wages paid after Sept. 30,...

IRS Update On Depreciation Limits For Passenger Automobiles
The IRS has just issued its annual inflation-adjusted update of depreciation limits for passenger automobiles (including vans and...

IRS Provides Additional Guidance For ERC Q3 & Q4!
Good news! The IRS has provided additional guidance to employers for claiming ERC (Employee Retention Credit) for the third and fourth...